Blog Overview
Lena Achleitner (left) and Peter Satzer (right)

Sterile laboratory equipment from the 3D printer

Viennese acib and BOKU researchers are developing a sterile 3D printing process that can be used to produce laboratory equipment from environmentally friendly and biodegradable plastic. This could avoid several million tons of single-use plastic waste and reduce resource, energy

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HBLA für Forstwirtschaft Schüler*innen

Von Holz zu Biokunststoff

Im Rahmen eines Praktikums durften wir (drei Schüler der Forstschule Bruck) an der TU Graz bzw. beim acib (Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology) den Weg vom Holz zum Biokunststoff im Rahmen unserer Diplomarbeit erforschen.

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Biotechnology tools

How biotech tools help to fight climate change

The recent climate change is caused by greenhouse gases absorbing some of the heat that the Earth radiates after it warms from sunlight, thus trapping this heat in Earth’s lower atmosphere, causing global warming. There are many approaches to reduce

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Food from the lab – how healthy can it be?

A balanced diet is important, we learn that from an early age. The more natural the ingredients and the shorter the supply chains, the better for our health and for the environment. Nevertheless, a trend is currently developing in biotechnology

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Emerging Technologies on Biocatalysis

The climate crisis is on everyone’s lips! The chemical industry plays an important role in finding more efficient measures for industrial production processes. Most recently, the Ukraine crisis has also caused that quick solutions are urgently needed for independence from

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