Blog Overview
Washing machine

A laundry machine for viral vaccines

A purification process for vaccines produced via a measles vector platform will soon lead to a more flexible, reproductive and economic process contributing to the faster development and production of vaccines.

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Biotechnology tools

How biotech tools help to fight climate change

The recent climate change is caused by greenhouse gases absorbing some of the heat that the Earth radiates after it warms from sunlight, thus trapping this heat in Earth’s lower atmosphere, causing global warming. There are many approaches to reduce

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Weibliches Schwein mit einem Ferkel in einen Stall mit Stroh.

If a pig’s stomach is on strike

Pink, fat and healthy – that’s how we visualize the ideal pig. But what if Pink Beauty’s stomach is upset? There can be a range of consequences from stress to enteritis, from reduced fattening performance for the industry to a

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