Enzymatic degradation studies for Polymers

Uncertain about a (bio)plastic's true sustainability? acib’s enzymatic degradation studies provide the answer you need. Let acib help you unveiling the fate of your (bio)polymer in various environments.


The world is struggling to meet its ambitious waste reduction goals. Traditional methods often lack sustainability, creating environmental burdens. There’s a pressing need for innovative solutions to achieve a truly circular economy and understanding the degradation of (bio)polymers is paramount.


acib‘s approach encompasses a holistic view, considering both biotic and abiotic factors that influence degradation processes, as well as potential environmental impacts, in specific environments:
  • Aquatic environments: Rivers, lakes, oceans, and sewage treatment plants …
  • Anaerobic environments: landfills, biogas plants

acib goes beyond basic degradation; our studies consider all the factors at play:
  • Biotic factors: Microorganisms and enzymes that drive decomposition, …
  • Abiotic factors: Sunlight, physical forces, and oxidation influencing the process …

acib utilizes a robust suite of advanced analytical techniques to provide a complete picture:
  • GC, HPLC, GPC/SEC, TOF: Quantify degradation products and monitor the breakdown process.
  • 13C-labeling: Track the fate of specific carbon atoms within the bioplastic.
  • Microscopy (CLSM, SEM): Visualize changes in the bioplastic’s structure during degradation.
  • Dynamic light scattering, respirometry: Measure biodegradation rate and microbial activity.
  • FTIR-analysis: Identify breakdown products and detect complete degradation.

acib also considers:
  • OECD criteria for sustainable plastics: Ensure your bioplastic meets international sustainability standards.
  • Microbial community shifts: Analyze how your bioplastic affects surrounding microbial populations.
  • Harmful byproduct formation: Identify and mitigate potential risks associated with degradation byproducts.


We can analyze all kind of (bio)plastics, offer a range of techniques to suit your needs and tailor studies to meet your specific real-world scenarios. Whether you have foils, bottles, textiles, zippers, fishing nets, balloons, straws, mulch films, diapers, outdoor/camping items, coffee pods, cigarette filters, phone cases, toys, or liquid polymers. Your benefits:

  • Data-driven sustainability: Gain scientific evidence for your bioplastic's eco- friendliness.
  • Proactive risk management: Identify and address potential issues with degradation byproducts.
  • Informed decision-making: Make strategic choices for product development and waste management.

Let us help you ensure your (bio)polymers truly deliver on their sustainability promises!


Dr. Sara Vecchiato, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Doris Ribitsch, Univ.Prof. Dr. Georg Gübitz

Development status:

TRL 3-5


Biodegradable Materials, Special Environment Degradation, Environmental Impact, Sustainable Plastics, (Bio)polymer behavior

Dr. Martin U. Trinker
Director Business Development & Fundraising
Krenngasse 37
8010 Graz
+43 316 873 9316