Information obligation according to §5 E-Commerce Act, §14 Corporate Code, §63 Trade Regulations and Disclosure Obligation according to §25 Media Act.


Focus: Applied science for industrial biotechnology


acib GmbH (Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology)
Krenngasse 37/2
A-8010 Graz

Commercial register: 224687y (Graz)
Commercial register court: LG ZRS Graz
VAT/UID: AT U54545504

Bank details

Steiermärkische Bank und Sparkassen AG, (Sparkassenplatz 4, A-8010 Graz)
Bank Code Number: 20815

International (BIC): STSPAT2G

Account Number: 3200403644

International transfers (IBAN): AT83 2081 5032 0040 3644


Dr. Mathias Drexler (CEO)

Signing officers:
Univ. Prof. Dr. Bernd Nidetzky
Dr. Renate Rogi-Kohlenprath
Mag. Christina Loidl

Mag. Katrin Weinhandl



by acib GmbH

Pictures sources:

acib GmbH: Astrid Preisz

Electronic signatures

For signatures of contracts, agreements and other official documents acib may use electronic signatures via DocuSign ( according to the EU regulation eIDAS. By using electronic signatures acib strives to significantly reduce process times and its CO2 footprint. Furthermore, costs for all parties are significantly reduced. For usual contracts and agreements acib does not require qualified electronic signatures (QES) according to EU regulations nor does it offer them. In case a qualified electronic signature by acib is necessary for legal reasons, acib will provide it on a case-by-case basis. Wet-ink written signatures and snail mail postage will only be provided if required by law or in special cases. acib may invoice handling and shipping costs to parties demanding physical documents. Within DocuSign acib uses personal signature scans with a grey acib logo or an acib stamp in the background. All documents are sent from an email-address with the ending as a domain. Signed documents are provided with certificates of DocuSign. Qualified electronic signatures may be checked for validity at, the official certification authority of the Austrian Republic. Further information about legal aspects of using DocuSign are found at the DocuSign Trust Centre at

Frequently asked questions & user guidline


As an interdisciplinary research centre for industrial biotechnology in an academic environment, acib GmbH works closely with universities and companies in the field of biotechnology. Within the scope of our research, we strive for innovative biotechnological solutions for current and future questions from science, economy, and society.
In order to achieve optimal cooperation among each other and with external persons, companies, authorities, etc., it is important to comply with laws, internal regulations and ethical principles. Due to the special shareholder situation of acib (acib is owned by four universities and one non-university research institution), acib is subject to the control of the national Court of Auditors (CoA) and the CoA of Styria, Lower Austria, Vienna and Tyrol. Furthermore, as a COMET competence centre funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG the company is subject to extensive audits by FFG. Additional audits are performed in the context of several participations in EU projects.

The management of acib GmbH stands for a collegial, respectful, and honest cooperation in compliance with legal requirements and rules. For this reason, a Compliance Board has been established to deal with current issues of specific problem cases with regard to compliance. The Compliance Board makes recommendations to the acib management. The Compliance Board has three members, one of whom is appointed by the works council. The other members are appointed by the management upon the proposal of the General Management. One member must have legal qualifications and takes the chair of the Compliance Board.

The current members of the Compliance Board are:
Prof. Dr. Markus Steppan, Head of the Compliance Board
Mag. Christina Loidl, Member
Thorsten Bachler, MSc, Member (works council)

The members of the Compliance Board can be reached via e-Mail
You are welcome to have potential conflicts of interest reviewed in advance or to ask general questions about compliance. In addition, acib GmbH has set up a reporting system in accordance with the whistleblowing standards of the Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act (HinweisgeberInnenschutzgesetz; HSchG) and the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law.

This reporting system allows you to quickly, easily and anonymously report questionable processes and concerns about actual or suspected misconduct that relates to acib GmbH or the well-being of employees and third parties and affects the areas listed in the § 3 (3) HSchG).

Legal information and company classification

acib GmbH is a publicly funded limited company according to the Austrian GmbH-Gesetz. acib’s CEO Dr. Mathias Drexler is registered as subsidiary beneficial owner (“wirtschaftlicher Eigentümer”) according to the Austrian WiEReG.

The shareholders of acib GmbH are

Graz University of Technology (39 %)
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (39 %)
University of Graz (13 %)
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (9 %)

acib is managed by its CEO and four authorized officers:

Mag. Christina Loidl
Univ. Prof. Dr. Bernd Nidetzky (CSO)
Dr. Renate Rogi-Kohlenprath

Mag. Katrin Weinhandl

acib’s CEO Dr. Mathias Drexler has sole signature authority, whereas the authorized officers are only authorized to sign together with one other authorized officer or the CEO.

acib GmbH is not an SME within the meaning of the “Commission Recommendation of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of small and medium-sized enterprises” (2003/361/EC), as the cumulative participation of public organisations is higher than 50 %. In accordance with its articles of association, acib GmbH is not profit-oriented, but is oriented towards the common good. acib’s articles of association prohibit the distribution of profits to its owners. Irrespective of this, acib GmbH is not a “non-profit organization” as defined by Austrian law. acib GmbH is a “non-profit legal entity” or “non-profit organisation” in the sense of Art. 2 Para. 1 Z 14 of the “Regulation (EU) No. 1290/2013 of 11th December 2013 on the rules for participation in the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation ” Horizon 2020″(2014-2020) and for the dissemination of results and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1906/2006″.

acib GmbH is an “institution for research and knowledge dissemination (research institution)” according to Z 15 lit ee of the EU Framework for State Aid for Research, Development and Innovation (2014/C 198/01). acib GmbH is a “Research and Technology Organisation (RTO)” as defined by the EARTO (

acib GmbH is a research institution in accordance with § 71 of the “Settlement and Residence Act (Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz), which is operated by legal entities in accordance with §1 para. 1 of the Public Liability Act and therefore does not require certification. According to these regulations, acib GmbH is listed with the Federal Ministry of the Interior ( Due to its public majority shareholding, acib GmbH is subject to the control of the Austrian Court of Audit. Based on this, acib GmbH is also subject to § 5 Abs. 6 PartG (reporting transactions with companies of political parties) and the Austrian Media Transparency Act (Notification of remunerated publications in the media). Beside the Austrian Court of Audit, acib GmbH is also subject to audits of the Courts of Audit of Styria, Lower Austria, Tyrol and Vienna.

The majority of acib’s research projects is funded by public funding organisations, including EU, Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG, Styrian Promotion Agency SFG, Standortagentur Tirol, Federal Government of Lower Austria, the Vienna Business Agency, etc.


The company mentioned on this page is responsible for the website We run it to present the research centre and its capabilities. We are sorry for any uncorrect or unprecise content as we try to compile the information with care. However, we exclude any liability for errors. The material may include brand names owned by other parties without extra notice.

acib and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

acib GmbH recognizes the immense importance of developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for research. Particularly in biotechnology, AI opens new opportunities to achieve scientific breakthroughs and develop innovative solutions to societal challenges. We see AI as a key technology that can positively influence progress, education, and social change. At the same time, we are aware of the responsibility that comes with the use of AI. As a research institution, we are committed to an ethical and responsible approach to this technology, with people always at the center. We emphasize transparency, integrity, and the protection of fundamental values. In accordance with the regulations of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act, we primarily use AI in research. In doing so, we actively work on the development of new tools and methods to make the use of AI safe and beneficial. Our goal is to responsibly harness the potential of AI while minimizing risks. This commitment underscores our position: We are clearly pro AI, for a future that advances science, society, and innovation equally.