Biocatalysis at acib involves the conversion and synthesis of molecules in order to replace conventional chemical processes with efficient and environmentally-friendly approaches. Beside single reaction formats, acib researchers also focus on multi-step one-pot reactions, which allow to reduce the number of process steps and facilitate purification.
The complexity of multi-step one-pot reactions and whole cell biocatalysis require the integration of molecular techniques such as cell- and protein engineering.
Enzyme Technology and Protein Engineering
While the field of “Biocatalysis” focuses on reactions themselves, the “Enzyme Technology” field deals with enzymatic process applications for industrial approaches. Particularly, in multi-step one-pot reactions, enzymes have to meet industrial requirements regarding specificity, stability and productivity. The establishment of enzyme libraries, the screening of suitable variants and the optimization of production processes are key aspects of this topic. The production and modification of proteins and enzymes for functional use in pharmaceutical ingredients, food and feed is also an important focus.