Biocatalytic Synthesis


You have discovered a promising substance or developed a highly interesting compound, but they are just too expensive? No problem for acib – we can help you with the development of efficient biocatalytic production routes!


Catalysts are the basic tool of all chemists and at acib we could provide several new, powerful tools over the last decade. Our biocatalysts feature high activity, specificity and selectivity while being able to work efficiently and environmentally-friendly at moderate temperatures and pH.


acib helps you to find economically-feasible routes for your molecule using:
More information on our biocatalysis-expertise is available here. In addition, we can discover novel enzymes, engineer existing ones or optimize the expression, purification and immobilization of enzymes! We can also develop sophisticated enzymatic cascades and/or integrate the biocatalysts into suitable hosts for whole-cell biotransformations.

Project Offer

Under protection of a CDA/NDA we provide you with strategies for chemo-enzymatic synthesis of your compound. We can provide just the scouting itself (1-2 month) or the wet-lab proof-of-concept (2-4 months) or the full optimization until your target value has been reached. Any IP developed in such projects would fully belong to the investor/industrial partner.


Prof. Dr. Bernd Nidetzky, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kroutil, Prof. Dr. Robert Kourist, Prof. Dr. Harald Pichler, Dr. Margit Winkler, Dr. Christoph Winkler

Available for:

Investments, Joint Research Projects, Contract Research

Development status:

Technology Readiness Level 1-5


Can be generated for our industrial partners / investors


Biocatalysis, Chemo-enzymatic Synthesis, Biotransformation, Route Scouting, Reaction optimization, Cascade reactions, Enzyme discovery, Enzyme engineering, Enzyme immobilization

Picture credits: Dreamstime

Dr. Martin U. Trinker
Director Business Development & Fundraising
Krenngasse 37
8010 Graz
+43 316 873 9316