
Novel treatment options for precision oncology


Immune evasion is a hallmark of cancer, contributing signifcantly to the progression of malignancies and associated mortalities. An interdisciplinary approach lead by acib can assess personalized treatment options for patients, as well as lay the foundation to designing novel treatments


acib is leading a multi-disciplinary approach combining wet-lab human DLBCL patient-derived co-culture experiments with next generation sequencing and sophisticated bioinformatic analyses. The aim is to i) test for the best combinational therapy options ex vivo and ii) to discover transcriptional and immunological signatures characterizing patients as candidates for targeted therapies. This approach towards precision oncology will allow a personalized selection of treatment options for each patient and offer important considerations for the design of novel treatments.


acib has ample expertise in providing R&D services to various companies – check also our other project offers


acib offers selective fructose depletion with specific magnetic adsorbent materials. Different fructose-affine materials will be used and different magnetic separation methods can be tested for optimal performance. Fructose will be imprinted into polymers (MIP) to produce polymers that can selectively and reversibly bind fructose. This polymerisation will take place around magnetic supports, thus immobilising the affine polymer and establishing the possibility for magnetic separation. The juice/must and the magnetic MIPs are mixed and then the fructose molecules bound to the magnetic materials are magnetically extracted from the must. The fructose can then be eluted. The particle system can be used several times. The processes are supposed to be gentler and more cost-effective than existing systems from a traditional coupling of ultra- and nanofiltration processes. The advantage of magnetic separation lies in the higher selectivity. It is worth noting that the extracted fructose can be sold/used further e.g. as sweetener for other products.

Project Offer

acib offers to develop tools for efficient combinational therapies targeting DLBCL and to discover new cancer signatures for novel therapeutics. IP developed in such projects will be fully transferred to you as our investor/industrial partner.


Dr. Julia Feichtinger, Dr. Alexander Deutsch

Available for:

Joint Research Project, Contract Research, Investments

Development status:

Technology Readiness Level 2 (Technology concept formulated)


Will be generated for you as our industrial partner / investor


Bioinformatics, Cancer, Prediction tools, Combinational therapy, Personalized medicine, Immunce Checkpoint Blockade (ICB), Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)

Dr. Martin U. Trinker
Director Business Development & Fundraising
Krenngasse 37
8010 Graz
+43 316 873 9316