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Flasche aus Bioplastik mit Bionanopolys-Logoaufdruck.

Bionanopolys goes Austria!

Anfang April lud acib zum österreichischen Stakeholderevent aus dem Open Innovation Test-Bed (OITB) Projekt Bionanopolys ein. acib ist Mitglied in diesem 27 Partner starken Projektkonsortium, das sich mit der Entwicklung von bio-basierten Nanomaterialen beschäftigt.

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People packing organic food into eco bag

Food for Climate

What does food have to do with climate change? Quite a lot, because as population density increases, so does the demand for food. At the same time, resources are being consumed, posing even greater challenges to our environment and climate.

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The picture shows an illustration of a fermentation tank which is filled with yellow liquid.

Econutri: CO2 for proteins

What if you could produce something valuable out of the pesky greenhouse gases?
What if you could even use them to tackle important global challenges? This is exactly the mission of acib’s spin-off company Econutri.

The small company has

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European Commission building in Brussels

The Lump Sum Pilot – virtue or curse?

A new development in the European framework programs for research and innovation is catching attention: the lump sum pilot. First implementations are in progress already in Horizon 2020 and intensified for the next framework program Horizon Europe. What does it

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